Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Homework

    30 minutes of my life i can never get back ? When i was younger on my DS the game i always used to play when i was bored always ended up being TETRIS (it was a game all about moving blocks) . The boring mind consuming game used to take me so long to…

  • Key terms/ideas from The Chrysalids

    Tribulation: tribulation means a state of great trouble or suffering in the chrysalids book the tribulation is in the past in the fringes because the mutants are troublesome and are harmful to the dystopian world. Offence: offence means doing something your not suppose to. In the chrysalids book the offence I when David wants to…

  • Born sinner

    It was a stormy night on Friday 13th of January and the wind was howling and the trees was swinging from side to Side . 14 year old Tom Bennett was walking down the darkest road there was. He had to because that was the only way to get to his house. The resonance why…

  • Born sinner

    What is a sinner? A sinner is a person who does things wrong in there stages in life. The things you can get sinned for is things like swearing, drinking alcohol, smoking , fighting , and just general being rude. There will be a time in our life when we get accused of things we…

  • Born sinner

    I am a born sinner and no one will ever change that infant we all are we do things that we’re not support to do we smoke drink and other things but that was how we was made . We’re going to get in trouble for what we do when judgment day comes we will…

  • Simple sentences

    It was a bright cold day in April the Clocks was striking 13. The mans name was Winston smith. His fat chin nuzzled into his breath in an effort to escape the vile wind. He slipped quickly threw the glass doors of victory mansion. He didn’t get threw quick enough to prevent a swirl of…

  • Subordinate clauses

    The ecology of the planet collapsed which therefore meant the Thames had ran dry. All hope was lost because the citizens ignored the warning signs.

  • Willows peak

    She was walking up the 10 flight of stairs just to get In front of her front door,as she was walking up the stairs she was shaking as if she had been tranquillised,she enjoyed the novalty of her numb fingers she tried to take the keys out of her pocket when she heard a loud…

  • Future dystopia

    What is future dystopia? A future dystopia is a type of future were everything when is turned upside down an every thing was going wrong there are many types of dystopian films and her are some examples of it. The hunger games Robocop I robot Children’s men Mortal kombat Here are some future dystopian games…

  • soliloquy

    Soliloquy. Shakespeare captures his audience’s interest by using a range of dramatic devices. One of the dramatic devices used is called a soliloquy .A soliloquy is when an actor in a play who speaks to him/herself in the mind but the audience can her them. An example of this is In the Macbeth play were…

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