Mar 17, 2014 - Communication    No Comments

Born sinner

What is a sinner? A sinner is a person who does things wrong in there stages in life. The things you can get sinned for is things like swearing, drinking alcohol, smoking , fighting , and just general being rude. There will be a time in our life when we get accused of things we haven’t done and have to suffer the consequences for it . If we argue we will get sinned and if we don’t we will get rewarded for the good things we do. an example of sinning. There was a little boy called Dustin his mother told him never try to smoke as a child then one day he went out with his friends and they was smoking, because he saw them smoking he decided to try it . This is a good example of a sinner his mother told him not to and he disobeyed her orders.another example is of another child her name is chesney she was 14 years old she went out to a party with her friends she saw one of her friends drinking she decided to try it but what she didn’t know was her drink was sparked so when she took a sip she dropped to the floor . The result of this is she ended up in hospital with a mild concussion. These are the few examples of sinners .

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